So today is April 1, which usually means we’ll try to feed you some stupid joke that will just make you roll your eyes when you realize the date.
Not this time, internet.
Brian kicked things off on Monday with three ways to get links that you haven’t heard 20 million times from people whose websites have no links. Plus he gets a little snarky, which you never want to miss.
On Tuesday, our friend Jon Nastor showed us how we can actually get listeners for our podcasts. It’s a useful thing to know, since the #1 question on the minds of new podcasters is: “For the love of all that is holy and good, is anyone ever going to hear this thing?”
And on Wednesday, Loren Baker helped you figure out why your site is slower than a slug on Xanax … and how to fix it. Seriously, there’s moss growing on that thing.
Moving to the podcasts: On The Showrunner, Jerod Morris and Jon Nastor discussed sponsorships and affiliate marketing. On Copyblogger FM, I considered the fine balance between being precise with usage and grammar … and just being an annoying jerk. And on Unemployable, Brian Clark talked conversion optimization with Talia Wolf. “Conversion optimization” is another way of saying, “People will actually buy what you are selling,” so don’t miss that conversation.
That’s it for this week … enjoy the goodies, and watch out for April Foolery!
Chief Content Officer, Rainmaker Digital
Catch up on this week’s content
3 Strategic Ways to Get Links to Your Website
by Brian Clark
Podcasters: Stop Looking for an Audience (and Let Them Find You)
by Jon Nastor
6 SEO Friendly Tips to Improve Site Speed on WordPress Blogs
by Loren Baker
On Grammar, Usage, and Not Being a Great Big Jerk
by Sonia Simone
3 Conversion Optimization Tactics that Work, with Talia Wolf
by Brian Clark
How Bestselling Author Greg Iles Writes: Part One
by Kelton Reid
Sponsorships or Affiliate Marketing: Which Is Better for Your Podcast?
by Jerod Morris & Jon Nastor
Should be fun to see what the biggest brands on the web come up with for April 1 … stuff never gets old!
This week was a fun filled on Copyblogger. Loved all the articles and also they were all about my interests. learned a lot new things.
A side of snark is nice, but in my world it’s usually the main course. (Hey, wait, where did everybody go?)
I really enjoyed this week content and especially the post about getting links by brian is amazing.
Your post seems to have published two days early. “Today” is March 30, not April 1.
You’ll have to ask Sonia, but I think that was the joke.
I’m just glad someone noticed.
Hi Sonia Simone,
Thanks to copyblogger and specially thanks to you. This week was really funny and enjoyable. i just love all content of this week.
Hi Sonia,
I’m guessing the fact that this article was published a few days early was part of the joke – if so, great stuff!
It’s been a great week of reading on copy blogger – looking forward to next week already!
Thanks Calum.
Hi, Sonia!
Thank you so much for the informative article. It is helpful. It is really good to see you writing about content marketing advice. This post offered me the most required tips which I need right now to improve my blog.
I expect to see it later today on this site!
Copyblogger ALWAYS has the BEST April Fools Joke articles!
You are the Industry Leader in copywriting!
I wanna see your April Fools Joke article!
You can’t claim to teach people how to be creatives, and fail to post an April Fools Joke article, Copyblogger! Show all of us a REAL April Fools Joke article! You are always challenging us about blogging! Now, I CHALLENGE YOU, Copyblogger! I ask you, as a Customer, to post us an April Fools Joke article! Its April 1 2017 and the entire Internet is waiting!!
Glad we were able to spark some passion there, JD!
Just wanted to add my thanks for all that you guys do! Please keep doing it