Phil Connors is having a bad day … over, and over, and over.
The arrogant Pittsburgh weatherman has once again been sent to cover the annual Groundhog Day event in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. He soon discovers that visiting once a year wasn’t all that bad, given that he’s now living this particular Groundhog Day again, and again, and again.
It all begins at 6:00 a.m., the same way each day. The clock radio clicks on with Sonny & Cher’s I Got You Babe, followed by the declaration, “It’s Groundhog Day … and it’s cold out there!”
After the initial shock wears off, Phil (played by national treasure Bill Murray) realizes he’s in a time loop. No matter what he does each day, there are no lingering consequences for his actions, because he wakes up and starts over again fresh the next morning.
This initially leads to hedonistic behavior, such as binge eating and drinking, manipulative one-night stands, and criminal acts. Eventually despair sets in, and Connors repeatedly attempts suicide.
No dice — he still wakes up the same way the next morning. It’s not until Phil commits to bettering himself and serving others that he achieves redemption and breaks out of the loop.
The film Groundhog Day is regarded as a contemporary classic. In 2006, it was added to the United States National Film Registry and deemed “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.”
Further, the movie has been described by some religious leaders as the “most spiritual film of our time,” in that it represents the concept of transcendence.
Buddhists and Hindus see the repeated day as a representation of reincarnation on the long path to enlightenment. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the time loop can be thought of as purgatory.
Don’t get me wrong. Groundhog Day is a hilarious film, and Bill Murray considers it his finest performance. But it’s also seriously deep. Jonah Goldberg of the National Review said, “… we have what many believe is the best cinematic moral allegory popular culture has produced in decades.”
Groundhog Day also contains an example of marketing gone terribly wrong. This travesty happens all too often in the real world, which means it’s what you want to avoid at all costs.
A tale of a data-driven marketing fail
In between his hedonism and subsequent despair, Phil decides to achieve a different goal. He begins romantically pursuing his news producer, Rita Hanson (played by Andie MacDowell).
He starts by being uncharacteristically kind to her, and then asks her to describe her ideal man. Through day after day of similar encounters, he amasses an amazing amount of information about her.
Phil finds out her favorite drink, and her ideal toast to drink it to. He knows she hates white chocolate and loves Rocky Road ice cream. He even quotes from Baudelaire after finding out she majored in 19th-century French poetry.
Through his unique situation, Connors discovers all the right information in order to arrive at the “perfect” romantic evening with her “ideal” man. It takes weeks, but as far as Rita knows, Phil has simply transformed from the jerk she works with to an amazing person in a single day.
Talk about marketing research, huh? He’s got his “who” down cold.
Except there’s one problem — Phil’s only goal is to have sex with Rita. There’s literally no tomorrow for him, so he has to close the deal on the first date, or not at all. Hence, he can’t contain his insincerity despite all the valuable intelligence he has on her.
Phil even stoops so low as to tell her he loves her when she resists his advances. Each evening invariably ends with Rita slapping Phil’s face, and what she says to him is especially telling:
“I could never love you, because you’ll never love anyone but yourself.”
Content marketing as seduction
In marketing and sales circles, there’s a running joke about losing a prospect thanks to the equivalent of trying to propose marriage on the first date. And yet, it doesn’t stop it from happening, even with people who should know better.
Phil has a treasure-trove of data about Rita, just as modern marketers have big data about you. And yet Phil tries to fake authenticity, engagement, and connection, which Rita sees right through.
The same thing happens every day at all levels of the marketing spectrum.
Think of it this way — Rita reveals her core values, and Phil tries to reflect them back to her. It works, up until the point that Phil’s desire to close the deal on his terms, based on his own desires, tramples all over Rita’s core values.
I’ve described content marketing as a story you tell over time. If that story places the prospect at the center of the story and delivers the right information at the right time, you have a courtship.
If you take it a step further and deliver the information in a way that delights the prospect at each step, you have something even more powerful. You have a seduction.
The word seduction can certainly have a manipulative connotation. But when you truly know your prospect, and your core values truly do align with theirs, and you truly do communicate based on their needs first, well …
They get what they want, and you get what you want. That’s not manipulation; that’s just good business.
Empower the journey
Before the internet, inadequacy marketing ruled. Without access to alternative perspectives, prospects were targeted by marketers with messages that positioned the brand as the hero, which promised to save the poor prospect from the anxiety manufactured by the message.
The imbalance in access to information favored the seller. Now, prospects are empowered to self-educate, which means the buyer’s journey is well underway before any particular seller is even aware of it.
Today, prospects face a different form of anxiety. The abundant access to information from thousands of competing sources threatens to overwhelm the prospect. That’s where you come in.
Your brand becomes heroic in the sense that you arrive to further empower the prospect to solve their problem. You help them make sense of the relevant information. And in the process, you demonstrate — rather than claim — that your product or service is the perfect solution for that particular person.
So yes, your brand can become a hero. As long as you never forget that the prospect is the main hero, or protagonist, of a journey that they are at the center of.
This is why Joseph Campbell’s monomyth, or hero’s journey, provides the perfect metaphor, and map, of a content marketing strategy that succeeds. It forces you to keep your focus on empowering them, with you and your content playing the role of the mentor, or guide.
The easiest way to understand this is to look at the character relationships in some of the best-known examples of Campbell’s hero’s journey in popular culture — films such as Star Wars, The Matrix, and The Wizard of Oz.
- The prospect is Luke Skywalker; you’re Obi-Wan Kenobi.
- The prospect is Neo; you’re Morpheus.
- The prospect is Dorothy; you’re Glinda the Good Witch.
Structuring your content marketing strategy in this way leads to success. By understanding your prospect as well as possible, you’re now in a position to guide and empower her to solve the problem with you.
What you say matters most
“What you say in advertising is more important than how you say it.”
– David Ogilvy
It might come as a surprise to hear that from Ogilvy, a famous “Mad Man” and copywriter who made millions by finding just the right way to say things. But he’s right … if what you’re saying is wrong, it doesn’t matter how well you say it.
Next week, we’re going to get into actually mapping the buyer’s journey, so that we know what to say, and when.
The key point of this article is for you to understand that because we’re guiding the prospect on a journey, when is an inherent aspect of the what.
You can choose to rush things and lose, or travel alongside the prospect and eventually win.
Phil Connors does end up with Rita, but only when he actually becomes her ideal man instead of trying to fake it. The time loop ends thanks to an authentic seduction.
Here’s to not making the same mistake over, and over, and over again … at least with your content marketing. Mapping the buyer’s journey is the next step in getting it right sooner.
I think the way you say stuff still matters today. But the edge is now that you can use a lot of channells to say it…
How you say it definitely matters … the main point is you’ve got to get the who and what right first.
Let’s say we know our prospects well, (we’ve got the “who” right, as you say,) but they are at different stages of readiness to buy, so that makes the “what” and the “when” much trickier. How do we seduce the beginners without putting off those who are further along? How do we seduce those who are more advanced without losing the beginners? Do we just put out content aimed at all points on the buyer spectrum? Obviously we segment them in email, but I’m talking about the content we put out there on the wild web. I get that we’re guiding them on a journey, but we don’t know where they’re starting from.
Remember, each journey is tied to a particular who that you have documented. Some people create content journeys for multiple personas, but my advice is that you pick one at first and focus. Even Apple stuck with one target persona for the entirely of the Get a Mac campaign.
Groundhog Day is my favorite movie.
Slow, competent, client-based selling is my only method.
You are now my favorite blog.
Genius post.
Hey Brian,
Phil has a pretty amazing story. Just like Phil, many people fake the authenticity which later turns out to be a fatal.
Just like Rita, your readers can recognize the content you provide. It’s all about how you manage to keep the pace.
Glad to read about it.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Nice layout of your approach. However there are so many “curators” and “experts” out there – nearing the amount of products to be curated – you have to add frequency to this approach.
If your site is being visited once – fine – but if the prospect never returns (because he came to your site by chance in the first place) – how are you going to close the sale?
By catching them in your email list? Well I hate it when those pop ups ask me for my address – even before I had the chance to read through the content ..
So I guess tracking + advertising have to be figured in to the equation or it will not work out for you.
You’re not wrong, but that’s tactical. Strategy first.
Hi Brian,
Catherine Lynch asked a great question and I’m looking forward to reading how you address that.
I know that Pamela Wilson suggests producing content for newbies, intermediates and long timers. How much of each? I hope you’ll get into more of the details on meeting the prospect where THEY are in the journey.
Remember, each journey is tied to a particular who that you have documented. Some people create content journeys for multiple personas, but my advice is that you pick one at first and focus. Even Apple stuck with one target persona for the entirely of the Get a Mac campaign.
This serie would make a great podcast Brian, thanks. I keep thinking “the medium is the message”, but just after you really got the who. These days I nailed down a simples but essential value: my client want to do it and want to learn it. Simple but probably one of the most import values. Without it they really aren’t my heros.
I’d like to link to Robert Bruce Allegorical show that would be a great complement for this post but it isn’t online any more. And this makes me crazy to see what he will publish after that!
My comment is not so much abut creating content as it is about how people destroy their content. In Ground Hog Day “There’s literally no tomorrow for him, so he has to close the deal on the first date, or not at all.”
This reminds me of when I go to a site and within 15 seconds I can’t read the article anymore because a site is blocked by a “sign up for my website” pop-up advertisement.
What are they saying? Perhaps it is, “I don’t know you and you don’t know me. Just sign up! Please, please please!” And as the reader, the reply is “Aren’t we moving a bit too fast here? It’s only our first acquaintance.” Maybe I return a week later and see it again. Then I think, “there he goes again!”
Yet, I have read that such ads work. To me, it is a huge turn-off.
Brian, there’s a great secondary example of ill-timed, inappropriate pitching that’s rehashed in hilarious ways in Groundhog: Ned the insurance guy’s obnoxious, in-your-face sales pitches, which Murray gets to fend off in funny fashion. From that angle, Murray gets to play the pestered non-buyer.
Thanks as usual for a perceptive angle and useful info.
Ah yes, Ned Ryerson. Funny, Ned is almost worse — he has no data at all, he just annoys everyone he knows.
Brian, this is truly one of the best articles I’ve read in a LONG time. The analogies are dead on because everything that you wrote is what I believe in deeply. I ran a couple of boutique ad/brand agencies for 2 decades and now I’m an author and social media personality who constantly utilizes what you’ve talked about. One of the biggest things Tony Robbins professes is that every relationship HAS TO be WIN/WIN. When I built my first agency’s website, I put our core values on the home page. My partner (the quintessential Phil Connor who only gave a damn about money) flipped out about the home page and said, “Absolutely NOBODY cares about your core values.” Not long after that I ended the partnership. Thanks so much for a piece that hit me in the soul ~ Tommy Zman
Good to hear, Tommy. Thank you!
Fantastic advice Brian and it clearly works because I really want to see the next blog.
I’m currently working on a major series of blog posts and was struggling to figure out how to manage my range of target readers, this has given me a Eureka moment, thank you!